Welcome to Liberty HS Athletic/Activities Registration

Please complete the following steps to register your athlete for the Liberty HS Athletic program.   

1.  Click the Athletic Team Registration icon below

2.   Click the Create Family Account icon to create a new family. 

If you have registered previously, click the Family Account login.

Please contact the Activities office if you have forgotten your login and/or password.  Do not create a 2nd account

3.  Complete the required fields to register your family and your athlete(s). 

Your final page of the registration process is the Submit page. 

4.  When your registration is complete and the Activities Office validates your physical & ImPACT dates, you will receive a Clearance email. 

  MSHSAA Medical Eligibility Form must be turned in to the Activities Office. 

The Activities Office will upload the Medical Eligibility Form to your athlete's file.  

Thank you   

       If you have any questions, feel free to contact the Activities Office at 636-561-0075 ext 28239 or email caryeldredge@wsdr4.org

The Activities Office is open Monday - Friday 7:00am - 3:30pm


Eligibility for Liberty HS Athletics

*  Completed Family Athletic On-Line Registration

*  Registered Athlete(s) must have a cleared 2-year MSHSAA Physical form turned in to the  Activities Office

*  ImPact test.  (ImPact tests are valid for 2 years)

*  Athletes must be enrolled in at least 3.0 credits in the current semester and must have passed 3.0 credits in the previous semester


Click the icon below to register 


If you have questions or need assistance with the registration, please contact:

Cary Eldredge-Activities Director
Phone: 636-561-0075 ext 28239